Business Activity Statements (BAS Service)

If you own a business that is registered to pay Goods and Services Tax (GST), it’s important that you lodge your Business Activity Statements (BAS). We can help ensure you save valuable time, by preparing and lodging your BAS electronically for you with one of our ATO, Registered BAS agents.

If your GST-related business income exceeds or is likely to exceed $75,000 in revenue, then you are required to report and lodge a quarterly BAS with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). By lodging your BAS through a registered tax agent like Igniite, you’ll get an additional one-month extension to make payments which can help with your business cash flow.

We are dedicated to the long-term success of your business.  We will ensure you maximise your claimable GST credits and have your BAS lodged accurately and on time.