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For many of us, the coronavirus has been the most significant, and perhaps the most traumatic, experience of our lives. It will have a huge impact on us as individuals, as a society and on the workforce.
At some time in the future the Coronavirus will end, and many things will get back to normal.
Some things will change forever, one being ‘Corporate Flexability’;
Regional and Country Victoria is set to swell in numbers, as employees take Covid as an opportunity to relocate to a country lifestyle and change work practices, according to Hon Jaclyn Symes state MP for the Northern Victorian Region.
Workplaces will now be considering if they need employees to commute to the workplace 5 days a week. Work place Flexibility will become the new mantra for a while.
Digital Divides have been somewhat narrowed in the rush to manage the Covid rules, that saw working from home become a lock-down requirement.
Country trains are on the agenda, while Hot Desking is off.
Business Attire may retire.
Zoom will be more mainstream.
We are all participants in this historic journey. Everyone, everywhere.