December 9th, 2021 by

Open the doors to bravely proceed and never look back.

I was hired to clean rooms for a local hotel. I was scrubbing a toilet and my gloves were getting sweaty. Housekeeping is hard work.

Can I tell you a story….

Seven years ago, I separated from my husband of 21 years – my family was broken and so was I. I had always been a stay at home mum with 4 children. I was now lost, finding work and a place to live was not going to be easy. I had to be brave and it was tough.

I found a job, at our local hotel. It was mostly night work, which wasn’t ideal but I needed a job, so I took it.

A month on and I wasn’t making enough money, so I found more work in housekeeping . I was under the pump, when on duty and reprimanded if too slow. It was a challenge and I became very skilled, at room cleaning. I then started helping in the breakfast room on busy mornings! I would work 6 – 7 days a week, some late nights and early starts. But I managed.

I kept saying yes and I kept on being brave. In time, I was promoted to supervisor, which meant longer hours and better pay. I was becoming tired and realised this was not sustainable. I also wanted to use my brain a bit more.

In my frustration to find more and different work, I answered an advertisement on Airtasker for a house cleaner (a large family house!). I was selected for that job. I met the owner of the house. What a boss lady! She had a bookkeeping business and needed someone to work Wednesdays…. I had kept my former husbands books for years, so I had some experience. What an opportunity! (Apparently, I sucked as a house cleaner…)

I started working a few hours, on a Wednesday and now I work as the office manager!

I have learnt SO MANY things at this job. Every day I learn something new. My outlook on life has changed, I feel more empowered, than I have ever been!

I love working at Igniite and I love helping our clients. We are an engaging and available team of women in bayside Victoria and this is why our clients love us.

I still work at the motel when I am needed. I always say yes and doing just that, has taken me to where I am today.

My mantra is ‘courage before comfort.’ as made famous by Brene Brown.

p.s This is my second blog for Igniite Business Services inspired by my mantra, to seek out courage before comfort and boldly go, where I fear.

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