Unpaid pandemic leave: If an employee is required by the government or medical authorities to self-isolate, the employee is entitled to take up to 2 weeks’ unpaid leave, as long as the leave starts before 30 September 2020 but may end after this date. An employee must give their employer notice of their intention to take such leave as soon as practical. If requested by the employer, the employee must provide evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person
Annual leave at half pay: You can agree with an employee to take twice as much annual leave at half pay, as long as the period of leave starts before 30 September 2020 but may end after this date. Any agreement to take such leave must be recorded in writing and retained on the employee’s record
This schedule will come into effect on 11 August 2020 and will operate until 30 September 2020
High Risk COVID Safety Plan
From 11.59pm on 7 August 2020, Victoria required businesses permitted to continue operating in metropolitan Melbourne to have a COVID Safe Plan
In particular the building and construction industry are required to have a COVID Safe Plan and complete an additional document which is available on Business Victoria website.
Please note, you will need to ensure that the COVID Safe Plan is regularly updated and incorporates any guidance from the Victorian Government or public health directions.
What does this mean for me?
Where an employee is eligible to take unpaid pandemic leave, or where you mutually agree to take annual leave at half pay, ensure that the leave starts before 30 September 2020. However, the leave can end after that date.