September 15th, 2021 by

What COVID can teach us about creating wealth and Antifragility.

To be resilient is to never give up, even when the cards are stacked against you.

Covid has done a remarkable job, of destroying financial and mental stability, in so many people. It is interesting, to be on a journey that is shared, with the whole of the world.

Through the entirety of Covid, I have heard this word constantly.

Covid is teaching resilience to kids like never ‘in our time’. I say ‘in our time’ because, I am sure that the post war kids had it pretty, dam, tuff.

I see evidence of this in my father-in-law, who would have been one of those ‘post war kids’.

He is fairly knock about, easy going, nothing is wasted, everything is carefully considered, generally happy, ‘what is anxiety’ kind of guy. Also, difficult to disturb. In short… Resilient.

Then I read a book.

There is not a word in the English dictionary, for withstanding knocks to become stronger despite them.

Nassim Taleb coined a term Antifragility in his book called Antifragile; Things that gain from disorder.

As Taleb explains, Antifragile is beyond resilience or Robustness. The resilient resists shocks and stays the same, while the Antifragile gets better.

If you want to seek out independent wealth, it will, quite literally, pay for you to be Antifragile. Wealth Creation is not for the faint hearted. It is better suited to people who learn to be Antifragile.

What can you do now, to gain from this disorder? Learn the guitar, become a beer brewer, read more books, learn about value investing on the stock market, sink yourself into Yoga and get back to walking daily. Pick something! We never have the time….except now we do.

Henceforward, I will be wishing Antifragility on my children. Poor boys.

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